About Me…...”I love the initial excitement, when light describes an object, a scene, a sound and I can think of nothing else until I sketch the concept, start the painting...set in motion the creative process”.
I grew up in a family of artists….a family of potters, painters and musicians. I worked in clay for many years then moved into 2D painting, first with watercolors, then pastels and currently with oils. It’s always the colors, the textures...the light describing the world around me that compels me to put brush to paper and create. Color, atmosphere, design and movement call to me and awaken that ever present “artistic spirit” that is a part of my soul. While it is exciting to respond to the callings of the natural world, I am exhilarated to investigate an abstract world also, blurred from reality that allows the viewer to form a personal interpretation. I love to paint and am excited to explore other types of expression as there is much to learn as I travel on my art journey. My work is created to carry the viewer beyond first impressions with a subtleness discovered in the details. |